Generated Proverbs in Al-Midani's Proverbs Collection: An Analytical Study


  • عهود حسين جبر
  • رحيم خريبط عطية



الأمثال القديمة, الأمثال المولّدة, الأدب العباسي, تطور المجتمع العربي


The proverbs generated did not receive the care that the ancient proverbs did, and it seems that this matter came in line with the scholars' tendency to reject the modern and sanctify the old. Through these proverbs, the new environment was reflected for people with all their values, way of thinking and way of life, and those proverbs were close to their souls because they express them accurately. The proverbs generated differ from the old proverbs in two things, the first of which is the ease of the phrase and its innocence from the strange and brutal words and this phenomenon One of the characteristics of Abbasid literature and its features in poetry and prose, the second of which is the emergence of verbal artifacts in clearly generated proverbs and this is also a feature of Abbasid literature. Through the proverbs generated, we can grasp the tremendous change that has occurred in Arab society and the great transition from desert life to civil life. Proverbs are of great importance in the life of society, and they are an important element of literature and a tremendous linguistic wealth, especially the ancient proverbs. They are a reference from the eloquent language references.

Keywords: Ancient proverbs, newly coined proverbs, Abbasid literature, Arab society's transformation.


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How to Cite

جبر ع. ح., & عطية ر. خ. (2024). Generated Proverbs in Al-Midani’s Proverbs Collection: An Analytical Study. Tasnim International Journal for Human, Social and Legal Sciences, 3(1), 79–94.